March 19, 2018 - March 20, 2018 | |
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM | |
Running Right Conference Center 431 Running Right Way Julian, WV 25529 Get Directions |
Format: In Person | |
Presenter: Anne Overcash, M.Ed. and Jaime Wedel, M.Ed., BCBA | |
1.3 CEUs (13 hours) |
Pyramid Educational Consultants will be holding a PECS Level 1 Training
in Julian, West Virginia on March 19th & 20th, 2018
(8:00 am - 4:00 pm both days)
Presented by Pyramid Consultants Anne Overcash, M.Ed.
and Jaime Wedel, M.Ed., BCBA
This Training is sponsored by
WV Department of Education- Office of Early & Elementary Learning
and the Office of Special Education, and WV Birth to Three
and will take place at:
Running Right Leadership Academy
431 Running Right Way Julian, WV 25529
The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is used to rapidly teach communication skills to those with limited functional speech. PECS promotes communication within a social context, without lengthy prerequisite training. Training in PECS begins by teaching a spontaneous request and goes on to teach additional communicative functions such as responding to questions and commenting.
An added attraction for preschool children with autism and related disabilities is the high proportion of children who acquire independent speech. Participants will learn how to implement the six phases of PECS, plus attributes, through presenter demonstrations, video examples and role-play opportunities.
Participants will leave the workshop with an understanding of how to implement PECS with individuals with autism, related developmental disabilities, and/or limited communication skills.
To register, click here.
Or, please contact LeAnn Ruddle, Training and TA Statewide Coodinator
WV Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources
Phone: (304) 529-7603 ext 410

This course is offered for 1.3 ASHA CEUs (Advanced Level; Professional Area)

Please visit for our presenters’ financial and non-financial relationship disclosure statements. The presentations listed above will focus exclusively on the Picture Exchange Communication System™ (PECS™) and the Pyramid Approach to Education™ and will not focus on information about other interventions.