New Membership Model for 2018

WVSHA is moving to a rolling membership model for 2018. Under the old membership cycle, those who joined in the middle of the year only received benefits through the end of that calendar year. Now, regardless of when you join, you’ll receive benefits for an entire year—365 days from the time you register. Benefits include:

  • Registration discounts for all WVSHA continuing education programs and conferences.
  • Web resources, including newsletters, job listings, a member directory, clinical resource links, legislation action alerts, professional documents, and occasional e-mail announcements of time-sensitive issues.
  • Networking opportunities through conference attendance, committee/council/project involvement, and access to colleagues through the online membership directory.
  • Legislative advocacy and effective representation to West Virginia lawmakers and the West Virginia Department of Education
  • Your presence in decision-making that impacts our professions through your involvement in the WVSHA annual business meeting at Convention, committee or task involvement, and the opportunity to serve on the WVSHA Committees and Executive Boards.
  • Access to ASHA networks and liaisons such as the State Education Advocacy Leaders (SEAL), the State Advocates for Reimbursement (STAR), the State Medicare Administrative Contractor (SMAC), and our State ASHA liaison.

If you have never been a WVSHA member or have let your membership lapse, sign up today!
